The Power of Setting an Intention in Yoga and Beyond


“The Power of Setting an Intention in Yoga and Beyond”

Setting an intention is a powerful practice that extends far beyond the yoga mat. It’s a practice of mindfulness and purpose that helps anchor your actions, thoughts, and energy towards a specific outcome or state of being. Whether you’re in a yoga class, beginning a new project, or simply starting your day, setting an intention can provide clarity, focus, and a sense of direction.

What is an Intention?

An intention is different from a goal. While a goal is typically an external achievement (like mastering a yoga pose, losing weight, or getting a promotion), an intention is more about the internal process. It’s about how you want to feel, the qualities you want to cultivate, or the energy you want to bring into your life or practice. For example, you might set an intention to approach challenges with patience, to cultivate more self-love, or to stay present in the moment.

The Role of Intention in Yoga

In yoga, setting an intention at the beginning of a practice helps to focus the mind and guide the energy throughout the session. It’s a way to connect with your deeper self and ensure that your practice is aligned with what you truly need at that moment. For instance, if you’re feeling scattered or stressed, you might set an intention to find calmness or to be more grounded. If you’re working through a challenging time, your intention might be to cultivate strength or resilience. I like to think of an intention as a compass – there to guide my thoughts and actions in any given situation – providing a true north for my body, mind, and spirit.

When to Set an Intention

1. At the Start of a Yoga Class: Many yoga teachers invite students to set an intention at the beginning of class. This intention acts as a thread that weaves through the practice, helping to maintain focus and mindfulness. For example, if your intention is to practice self-compassion, you might remind yourself of this when a pose feels difficult or when your mind starts to wander. 

2. Beginning a New Project or Chapter: Setting an intention is especially helpful when embarking on something new. Whether you’re starting a new job, moving to a new city, or beginning a creative project, an intention can help you stay connected to your core values and the energy you want to bring into this new phase. For instance, you might set an intention to approach the project with creativity and openness, rather than perfectionism or fear. 

3.  Daily Life: Setting a daily intention can be a grounding morning ritual. It doesn’t have to be complex—something as simple as “Today, I intend to approach everything with gratitude” can shift your perspective and guide your actions throughout the day.

Examples of Intentions

In Yoga: “I intend to listen to my body and honor its needs today.”

At Work: “I intend to approach challenges with curiosity rather than frustration.”

In Relationships: “I intend to communicate with kindness and honesty.”

For Personal Growth: “I intend to cultivate more self-compassion and patience.”

 Setting an intention is a practice of bringing mindfulness and purpose into your actions. It’s about aligning with your deeper values and desires, and it can be a powerful tool in yoga and in life. By setting an intention, you give yourself a compass to navigate through your day, your practice, or your journey. Whether big or small, each intention you set is a step toward living with more awareness, clarity, and connection.

One Last Thing Before I Go…

Alignment matters so, may all of your intentions provide you with your “true north” for any situation,

my dear yogi..

Namaste -

Angela Megasko