Boundaries: How Healthy Are Yours? Take the Quiz.


“Boundaries: How Healthy Are Yours? Take the Test.”


 They take many forms.

 Doors. Windows. Gates. The sides on a crib or hospital bed.

Our personal space. The limits of info we will share with others. Clarity about needs and feelings.

Rules. Amount of time we will spend with others. Laws. Contracts. Social media privacy settings.

 The examples above show that boundaries can be physical, emotional, social, professional, digital, and legal. 

 Boundaries are all around us – our own and the boundaries of others. When our boundaries are healthy, we tend to be more authentic as we journey through life. Many see yoga as a tool to define and incorporate healthy boundaries in our daily encounters.

 The question is, how healthy are your boundaries?

 In the practice of yoga, the concept of boundaries extends beyond physical poses; it encompasses the way we interact with ourselves and others, fostering a balanced and harmonious life. At Heart of Bliss Yoga, we believe understanding and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for personal growth and well-being. Take the following 6-question quiz to determine the health of your boundaries in your yoga practice and your life:

You are self-aware and clear about your needs.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

Healthy boundaries begin with self-awareness and clarity about your needs, values, and limits. In your yoga practice, you recognize when to push yourself gently and when to honor your body's signals to rest. Off the mat, you have a clear sense of what is acceptable and comfortable for you in different situations, allowing you to make informed decisions that align with your well-being.

I stand my ground with an assertive posture without being aggressive or angry.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

Having healthy boundaries means being able to assert your needs and preferences without being aggressive or disrespectful towards others. In yoga classes, you communicate your limits to instructors or fellow practitioners without feeling guilty or ashamed. Similarly, in daily life, you express your thoughts and feelings honestly and respectfully, fostering authentic connections with those around you. 

I respect the boundaries of others.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

Just as you set boundaries for yourself, you respect the boundaries of others. In yoga, you understand the importance of giving fellow practitioners space to practice without judgment or interference. Beyond the studio, you listen attentively to others' needs and desires, showing empathy and understanding without imposing your agenda. 

I try to strike a balance between giving and receiving.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

Healthy boundaries involve maintaining a balance between giving and receiving in relationships. In yoga, you are open to receiving guidance and support from teachers and peers while also offering your knowledge and assistance when appropriate. Outside of yoga, you give generously without feeling depleted, knowing when to prioritize self-care and recharge your energy reserves.

I regulate my emotions.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

You have developed effective strategies for managing and expressing your emotions in a healthy manner. In yoga, you acknowledge and release emotions that arise during practice without allowing them to overwhelm you. Off the mat, you handle conflicts calmly and constructively, seeking resolutions that honor everyone's boundaries and foster mutual understanding.

I am flexible without compromise.

o   Always

o   Sometimes

o   Rarely if ever

Healthy boundaries are flexible and adaptable to different situations while remaining true to your core values and needs. In yoga, you adjust your practice according to your physical and emotional state while staying committed to your personal growth journey. In daily life, you navigate changing circumstances with resilience and grace, making decisions that align with your well-being and long-term goals.

Congratulations! You completed the quiz. If you answered “Always” to most of the questions, your boundaries are clear and healthy. If you answered “Sometimes” to most of the questions, you are on your way to creating boundaries that will help you live a life of authenticity and well-being, but those “Rarely if ever” answers are an indication that developing healthier boundaries may be something to consider as you dive deeper into your yoga practice.

 At Heart of Bliss Yoga, we believe that cultivating healthy boundaries is an essential aspect of holistic well-being. By recognizing and respecting your own boundaries and those of others, you create a supportive environment where personal growth and authentic connections can flourish. Join us in exploring the transformative power of yoga and embracing healthy boundaries as a foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life.

 Experience the joy of practicing yoga with healthy boundaries at Heart of Bliss Yoga. Let's embark on this journey together, honoring ourselves and each other along the way.

One Last Thing Before I Go…

Setting boundaries may not always be easy but it is always worth it.

Namaste -

Angela Megasko